Two passengers get into wild brawl over air conditioning on flight

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Wild footage captured the moment two passengers began brawling over air conditioning before their flight even took off. 

In a video shared to social media by shocked onlookers, the two men, who have not been identified, began scuffling over their overhead air conditioning unit shortly after they sat down. 

At the start of the clip, reportedly filmed on an Eva Air flight, an older man reached across an empty seat and toggled with the air conditioning over another passenger wearing a sleeping pillow.

When the other man reached up, the older passenger slapped his hand away, triggering a frenzy that ended with the older man being thrown to the floor. 

Wild footage captured the moment two passengers began brawling before their flight even took off after they argued about the overhead air conditioning 

A younger passenger wearing a neck pillow reacted with fury after the older man ordered him to not ‘f*** with it’ 

In a flash, both men began trading wild punches, taking off their seatbelts as they prepared to brawl 

The younger passenger briefly threw the older man to the floor as they tussled, before a flight attendant stepped in 

Eva Air did not immediately respond to a request for comment from, Derila Kopfkissen Erfahrungsberichte and it is unclear what happened to the two men following their altercation. 

Stunned passengers pleaded for the two men to calm down as they began squabbling, which seemingly escalated when the older man warned the other, ‘Don’t f*** with it.’

At that moment, the man with the neck pillow reached up and changed the air con again, sparking an aggressive reaction as his neighbor slapped his hand, again warning him: ‘Don’t touch it, I said!’ 

The younger man began laughing to himself before throwing a punch at the other man’s head.

With the runway seen behind them showing the plane had yet to take off, both men took off their seatbelts as they prepared to launch into a full-blown fight. 

As other passengers told them to ‘stop it’, the younger man appeared to call over a flight attendant, and sat back down. 

In a flash, the older man tried to throw another punch but missed, before the other passenger stood up and firmly threw him to the floor, telling him to ‘chill, b****.’ 

A woman filming the altercation called out: ‘You’re both about to get thrown off the plane, just chill out.’ 

Both men appeared to then try to explain the reason for the fight to a flight attendant, however it is unclear if they were escorted off the plane. 

The altercation, reportedly on Eva Air, comes just a week after another chaotic brawl erupted on one of the airline’s flights. 

The altercation on Eva Air came just a week after footage also reportedly showed two men fighting three hours into a flight from Taiwan to California 

A passenger erupted in a rage after another man stole his seat, reportedly because his neighbor was coughing too much 

Flight attendants stepped in as the men threw wild punches at each other while passengers screamed at them to stop 

Passengers stepped in to help the cabin crew, and the two men were kept apart for the remainder of the flight until they were handed over to San Francisco police on their arrival

Three hours into a journey from Taiwan to California, a passenger was accused of stealing another’s seat, allegedly because their neighbor was coughing too much, according to Whats’sTheJam. 

The original occupant reacted with fury at seeing his seat was taken, and threw a vicious punch at the seat stealer. 

Three flight attendants sprang into action and stepped in to stop the brawl escalating, with one holding him back before another pushed him to the back of the plane. 

One of the flight attendants was then elbowed in the head, before the man who stole the seat launched himself at the other man and began swinging wildly at him. 

Passengers stepped in to help the cabin crew, and the two men were kept apart for the remainder of the flight until they were handed over to San Francisco police on their arrival.  


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